Our Services » Flight Academy
We are proud of being the unique private helicopter pilot school in Turkey. Sancak Air Flight Academy also provides Pilot Refresher courses, pilot training seminary and medicine adaptation training with its Bell 200 BIII, Bell 206 L3, Bell L4, and Bell 430 type helicopters.
How can I be a pilot?
Please click here to see prices of flight academy training.
Sancakair Private Sancak Flight Training Organization
1) To provide flight and ground education to those who want to be a pilot; to give a Private Pilot License(PPL) when they are successful.
2) To provide Bell 206 B-3 pilot type rating training.
3) To provide Bell 206 L-3 type rating training.
4) To provide Bell 206 L-4 type rating training.
5) To provide Bell 430 type rating training.
6) To provide technical type rating controls of 206 BIII, 206 L3, 206 L4, Bell 430 pilots
7) To 6-months technical controls of BIII, 206 L3, 206 L4, Bell 430 pilots
In order to fulfill these services at top level, Sancakair tries to provide;
1) Enough number of qualified Instructors for flight and ground training.
2) For the students, suitable class rooms, briefing rooms and recreation rooms in highest standarts.
3) A suitable studying atmosphere for the instructors and students.
4) Mermbership of domestic and international documents in order to follow aviation legislation and e-information, currently.
5) To establish financial source for carrying on and improving education and tuition Standard. To provide refreshment of the working staff and their in-service education.